How to Update Case Details and Information

case summary

Managers and users with the relevant permissions are able to update case details as they learn more about cases. The below values can be updated from the ‘Information’ and ‘Description’ pages found in the left navigation menu by following the instructions below:

Information | Client name, Location, Department

  1. Click the edit icon beside the field you want to update
  2. Click on the drop down menu to select a new value
  3. Click the save icon to save your changes, or click on the ‘X’ icon the remove your changes.

Description | Case Summary

  1. Click on ‘Description’ in the left navigation
  2. Click the edit icon beside ‘Case Summary’
  3. Enter a new case summary in the text box and click ‘Save’

Description | Case Types

  1. Click on ‘Description’ in the left navigation
  2. Click the edit icon beside ‘Case Types’
  3. You can select up to 3 case types for each case. Click the ‘X’ icon on any case type you wish to remove. To add a new case type click the text box to open the drop down menu and select a new value. Click outside the drop down to close it.
  4. Select a new Primary Case Type, if needed
  5. Click ‘Save’ to save changes

Assigning the appropriate values to cases is important not just so that case data is accurate and up to date, but also so that IntegrityCounts’ Insights tool can highlight trends in case data that warrant further investigation. This is an important step in mitigating risk within your organization.