How can I file a report online?

Filing a report online is easy and can be as quick as 5 minutes, depending on the level of information you’re able to provide about the case.

The File a Report form is designed by investigations professionals and customized by your organization so that the most important information is captured at the outset. Just a few questions are mandatory so that you have the freedom to provide as much or as little detail as you like.  

For a complete tour of IntegrityCounts File a Report, please check out our interactive demo.

To File a Report:

  1. Visit or the Custom URL provided by your organization
  2. Click ‘File a Report’
  3. If you’re filing a report via IntegrityCounts webpage, search and select your organization name from the dropdown.*

  4. Review the Introduction and Terms of Use
  5. Click the checkbox to agree to the terms of service and click ‘Continue’
  6. Select the Location and Department that best represents where the incident took place.
    Click here to learn about how IntegrityCounts keeps you informed about whistleblower regulations in your area.
  7. Select your level of anonymity and click ‘Continue’.
  8. Complete details about when the case happened
  9. Select up to 3 case types that best represent your case. Case type selection will trigger additional optional questions for you to answer. If you don’t see any case types that are relevant to your case, you can create your own case type in the text field.
  10. Complete the case details and additional questions. Click ‘Continue’
  11. Upload any attachments you wish to include in your report. Be sure to remove any personally identifiable information from your attachments if you wish to remain anonymous.
  12. Protect your report from specific individuals who may have access to your case by selecting a name from the drop-down menu (learn more about this feature) and click ‘Continue’.
  13. Review your report to make sure the information is accurate and complete. Use the edit icon to make changes to your entries.
  14. You have the option to create your own password or use the suggested password provided to login to your account and receive updates about your report. Enter a new password into the password field if you wish to create your own and click ‘Submit.’
Congratulations! You have successfully filed a report. Make sure you save your login information so that you can get updates about your case and communicate with case investigators. We recommend you log back in within 48-72 hours to check up on the status of your case.

*Not all company names will be searchable. Please contact your organization for their custom URL if you are not able to find your company listed here.